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Authorised Witness Australia Inc.

About Us

A not for profit association dedicated to improving the proficiency of persons who witness formal documents; Authorised Witness Australia Inc. provides professional development to authorised witnesses* and Justices of the Peace for Australian jurisdictions.

We are the #1 provider of multi-jurisdiction services in Australia

Programs focus on witnessing practices for common documents such as: affidavits, statutory declarations, certified copies, and selected documents that witnesses see on a regular basis, such as; Powers of Attorney, Verification of Identity, and Advance Care Directives.

Authorised Witness Australia develops your capability in witnessing documents. It is not mandatory and is in addition to pre-appointment training that may be required by your governing body.

* Authorised Witness; a person who is authorised to witness a signature or certify a copy of a document.
This may be a person in an occupation, profession, or an adult.

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Register as a member,
access general website information,
purchase merchandise,
access to webinars.  

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Bronze level, plus:
knowledge test modules,
10% discount to webinars. 

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Silver level, plus:
Online training modules (Australia general),
Wiki, Forums,
20% discount to webinars.       

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Gold level, plus:
Online training jurisdiction specific,
alerts for important changes,
50% discount to webinars.        

Our Purpose

Authorised Witness Australia Inc. provides internet enabled professional development to authorised witnesses for every Australian jurisdiction.

We are a not for profit association dedicated to improving the proficiency of persons who witness legal documents.

We provide services such that any authorised witness can access anytime and anywhere.

Our Values

Professionalism in our performance. Pride in the quality of our service. Commitment to serving members. Integrity in everything we do.

Our Goals

Establish an online service portal providing a professional development serice to authorised witnesses. Facilitate a network for authorised witnesses to communicate with each other.

Best Practice

Our professional development is targeted to specific requirements in each jurisdiction as well as best practices Australia wide.

Promise to You

Members are our priority. The membership structure is designed to provide you with the level of service you require and fits within your budget. 100% of fees go toward inproving this service.